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Prepare for a Fall with a Pedi Special

Prepare for a Fall with a Pedi Special

I know you don't want to face it, but back to school season is here, and the summer is coming to a close. Have you prepared your fall menu yet?

For a simple, yet special, pedicure try the O2 Bubbly Spa in Caffe Macchiato! A heavenly coffee scent will leave your client's floating on air!

At only $3.50 per service, you have every product you need! It is pure profit on each pedicure!

Why is an oxygen pedicure amazing for your skin?

  • Cleanse & unclog pores. The micro-size bubbles work naturally to provide deep-cleansing and unclogging of the pores. They are known to deliver oxygen to the skin's barrier to a smoother and more supple look.
  • Hydrate & nourish. The gentle yet effective body butter wraps the skin in a blanket of pure moisture that hydrates and nourish, for a healthier and glowing complexion.
  • Tighten and brighten. Carbonated water helps firm and tighten up the skin, removing dead skin cells and purify the pores for a youthful and well-toned skin.

Kit includes:
  1. Detoxing Bubbly Bath- Fizzy and bubbly with citric acid, creating more bubbles!
  2. Renewing Sugar Scrub- Removes the dead skin on foot and leg, then rinse completely and pat dry!
  3. Deep Cleansing Bubbly Mud- Apply bubbly mud, it is high refines mud with oxygen bubbles!
  4. Nourishing Massage Butter- Effortless gliding formula for a fabulous massage!

Also available in a case pack for convenience.



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