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Does Scruples Hair Color Have Ammonia? Understanding Your Options

Does Scruples Hair Color Have Ammonia? Understanding Your Options

As professionals in the beauty industry, it's essential to understand the products we use. A common question we encounter at Pure Spa Direct is about the presence of ammonia in hair dyes. Today, we're exploring whether Scruples hair color contains ammonia and what that means for you and your clients.

Ammonia is often used in hair coloring products because it effectively opens up the hair cuticle, allowing color to penetrate deeply and last longer. However, it's also known for its strong smell and potential to irritate the skin and respiratory system. In response, many brands have developed low-ammonia or ammonia-free alternatives.

Scruples hair color products, such as the TRUE INTEGRITY Opalescent Creme Colour, do contain ammonia but in significantly lower quantities than traditional dyes. Specifically, these products feature less than 1% ammonia when mixed, positioning them as a gentler alternative while still providing effective color coverage and longevity. This makes them an excellent choice for professionals seeking to balance performance with comfort.

For salons committed to providing top-tier services with minimal chemical exposure, exploring low-ammonia hair color options like those offered by Scruples can be a significant advantage. Not only do they reduce the potential for irritation, but they also cater to a growing market of health-conscious clients.

In conclusion, while Scruples hair colors are not entirely ammonia-free, their low-ammonia formula offers a compromise between achieving vibrant, long-lasting hair color and maintaining the hair's health and comfort. As always, it's crucial to understand the products you use to provide your clients with the best possible care and results.



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