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Veni Vidi Vichy!!

Veni Vidi Vichy!!

Treatments with the Vichy Shower simulated the feeling of floating on water, which many people find relaxing. the pulsating massage causes tired and sore muscles to relax. the Vichy Shower aids in lymphatic circulation, which allows the immune system to function efficiently.

Vichy Rain Shower - named after the famous hydrotherapy village in France, the Vichy Shower uses individual shower heads strategically positioned along your Chakra points to provide a soothing and calming warm water massage. Likened to being immersed under a waterfall, a thin veil of warm rain is prayed over your body in a gentle cascade of luxury, relaxing nervous tissue and tension, stimulating blood circulation and improving skin vitality and elasticity. This beautiful treatment also combines an aromatic body cleanse and moisturize to leave you invigorated yet balanced.

The Equipro Vichy Shower offers a great shower experience, every time. A Vichy Shower is a form of hydrotherapy and lets your clients get a warm luxurious shower while lying down on a wet table as part of a body treatment, such as a salt scrub, body mask, or body wrap. Instead of jumping up and getting in a stand-up shower to rinse off the salt or mud, the client simply lies there. When the water is turned on, it cascades over the entire length of your client's body, then channels to your tiled wet room floor, where it drains away.


  • 5 adjustable and independent jets
  • Hand shower head
  • Ergonomic design
  • Adjustable table height from 23" to 38"
  • Safe adjustment of the water temperature
  • Anti-fungal mattress included
  • Adjustable spray shield for the therapist
  • Sturdy base
  • The Equipro Vichy Shower ships in a large crate.



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