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Back To School Stress!

Back To School Stress!

Now that most, if not all schools have started back up, some parents have a little extra free time during the day, or are back to regular work schedules. Those back to regular schedules can start to feel like they are running all over the place.

The before school morning rush getting the kid(s) up and out the door while attempting to get themselves ready for work can be similar to a circus. The commute to work during the school year seems to take twice as long - hullo stress! After work many parents are off to practice, games, and other various after school programs - don't forget play dates! Throw in the usual every day things like cleaning, cooking, helping with homework and a variety of other tasks - many parents are always on the "go, go, GO" time schedule.

Have you thought about marketing specifically to those types of clients? Have a back to school special for parents! You can have set days/times to offer super relaxing treatments - with no kids allowed! Heck, even have a quiet room where guests can relax in comfy chairs (like the Loafah Chaise + Spa-Massage Treatment Table) with dim lighting (led candles!), soft music and relaxing teas or cucumber water (the Vitajuwel Decanter Set is the way to go!)to just enjoy some uninterrupted quiet time. Sometimes that is all a parent needs to recharge for the day, week, month!

Not sure where to start? Take a look at some all time favorites among our clients to really push relaxation to the next level:

Curved Japanese Bamboo Lounge Chair
Reclining Reflexology Chair
Breath Lounge Relaxation Lounge
Aqua Thermassage Tables

Vitajuwel - these are a great unique addition to your decor and make an excellent retail item!

Ultimate ZZZZs Silk Sleep Mask - I have this, it's amazing!

Relaxing Eye Mask

Relaxing Aromatherapy

Since many parents may not have all that much time to spare, having a room or area where they don't need to change or spend an hour or day to relax will make it that much more appealing!



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