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What Type of Perm Usually Requires Heat During Development?

What Type of Perm Usually Requires Heat During Development?

In the realm of professional hair care, perming techniques have evolved significantly, offering a variety of styles and treatments to suit different hair types and client preferences. Among these, a particular method stands out for its unique process and stunning results: the thermal or heat-required perm.

Unlike traditional cold perms, thermal perms involve using heat to break down the hair's bonds, reshape them, and then reform the bonds to create curls or waves. This technique not only provides longer-lasting results but also allows for greater flexibility in styling. Ideal for clients seeking soft, natural-looking waves, the thermal perm uses specialized perm rods and heat to ensure every curl is perfectly defined.

At Pure Spa Direct, we understand the importance of offering the latest and most effective treatments. Explore our comprehensive range of perming solutions, including high-quality perm kits, to keep your salon at the forefront of hair care innovation. Embrace the beauty of simplicity and sophistication with thermal perms, and let your clients enjoy the transformative power of heat.



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