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The Benefits Of Ice Combined With Heat

The Benefits Of Ice Combined With Heat

As a massage therapist, how many times have clients come to you with a sore or pulled muscle, exclaiming they put heat on the area, but felt no relief, or the heat made it worse? What about client who let you know they put heat on the area....for an hour?

I can't tell you how many times clients have told me they thought heat was the cure-all for sore or tight muscles. As therapists, I believe it is our job to not only provide relief and comfort to our clients but to also educate them.

A great method for many acute muscle pain situations is utilizing a combination of cold and hot therapy. I simply advise my clients to use ice for 10 minutes followed by 10 minutes of heat and end with an additional 10 minutes of ice. The initial icing begins to calm spasms down, the heat increases fresh blood supply and nutrients to the area, and the final icing calms the area back down again. By repeating this a few times a day from the onset of pain for a few days, I have found a reduction in discomfort and healing time. As a result, my clients are happy, pain free and have learned how to better take care of themselves when they aren't able to see me.

By educating our clients on even the smallest things, especially when it's a home relief situation they see how much you are invested in them as a person, not just as a client.

Pure Spa Direct is your ultimate source for all of your massage needs, including HOT and COLD therapy products! You can also increase your bottom line by retailing hot and cold packs to your clients. Check out our huge selection today, and see how Pure Spa can save you time and money by consolidating your ordering!



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