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Soak The Holiday Stress Away!

Soak The Holiday Stress Away!

It's no surprise now that Thanksgiving is around the corner, our clients are looking ahead to end of the year holidays. For many people, the holidays bring a bit of extra stress with shopping (traffic and parking!), running around trying to get everything done and hit up some parties and many other things. Here are some awesome retail items to help your clients relax and unwind this holiday season!

Aromafloria - bath soaks to aromatherapy inhalation beads....this line is one of the hottest of the season!

Stress Relieving Essential Oils - from single scent to blends, there's something for everyone! Don't forget to offer diffusers!

Bath Salts - after a long stressful day/week, soaking in a tub with some salts, followed by a luxurious lotion (check out the gift sets from Hempz!) and comfy robe and slippers can be just what is needed!

Candles - everything from holiday scents like candy cane and winter chai to blends, there's plenty to offer a variety to your clients

Be sure to take a look at some more options in the retail category as well if you're not quite sure yet which items may work for your clients!



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