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Eyebrow Rehab; Huge Profits for Brow Gurus in Spas & Salons

Eyebrow Rehab; Huge Profits for Brow Gurus in Spas & Salons

Recently, my girlfriend circle has been a buzz with, "Please excuse my eyebrows, I'm currently undergoing brow rehab!". They are apologizing for their crazy, un-plucked, grow-out around their brows as part of their "eyebrow therapy" with a well know brow artist here on Long Island.

High Brow Clients
Will Pay Big Bucks for
Beautiful Brows

The idea is they are being strictly instructed to grow their over plucked brows by conditioning them with Castor Oil and in some cases even growing them with Latisse (though Latisse is for growing lashes, some find it useful for brows too). They are under strict orders not to pluck a single hair while under the "regrowth phase" of their brow rehab. During this time they meet with the brow guru every 4-6 weeks for minor tweaks until desired growth is achieved and then real sculpting can begin. Mind you, each appointment is $90. Yep, NINETY BUCKS! And you will need approximately 3 appointments before you get to sculpting phase. The guru can either teach you to do them yourself, or you can become a "lifer" and just come in ever few weeks for brow maintenance. WOW!

Brow artistry has been a growing trend for sometime, and I never thought my brows were bad - UNTIL I saw one of my good friends that had just completed a six month stint in eyebrow therapy. She looked AMAZING! So amazing, I booked my own $90 appointment, and got schooled on brow rehab. This is how the referral cycle begins... brilliant.

I like this topic because adding a "brow specialist" to your salon or spa a few days a weeks can really draw in clients you never expected. Clients that can afford these specialty service prices are typically "high brow" and may be open to trying other services your business offers. This LI guru is associated with a skin care center that offers facials, lasers, lifts and fillers. The perfect compliments to anyone willing to pay $90 for eyebrow grooming.

Brows are big, literally. Every one I know is trying to escape their over-plucked skinny brows and get a fuller, more youthful look with the perfect arch and symmetry. Looks to me to be a desirable and profitable specialty ideal for aesthetic focused businesses.



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