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Teeth Whitening Retail: Easy Sales to a Massive Market

Teeth Whitening Retail: Easy Sales to a Massive Market

No matter the month,day or season a majority of people are looking to make their teeth whiter. According to a study performed by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, 99.7% of adults 'believe a smile is a social asset,' while 96% 'believe an attractive smile makes a person more appealing to members of the opposite sex.' Lastly, 'whiter and brighter teeth' was listed as the most desired change among participants.

The perfect tooth whitening product line to introduce to your clients is Whiter Image. Just a few simple, cost-effective items can deliver serious results to your clientele while putting some major cash back in your pocket. Among the items in the line are the White Blitz Teeth Whitening Pen, White Blitz Chic Flic Teeth Whitening and Lip Gloss Plumper Pen and sample size Mini White Blitz Teeth Whitening Pen.

Not only are the products effective, they also come with everything you will need to sell them to your clients. All Whiter Image purchases include an attractive display, DVD for your lobby, promotional table tents, trifold brochures and buttons for your staff.

Important Information:

  • Whitening Gel Strength - Equivalent to 12% Hydrogen Peroxide
  • The teeth whitening gel contains a special addition of the desensitizing agent Potassium Nitrate.
  • Both the Chic Flic Pen and the Whiter Image Pen contain approximately 60+ applications.
  • The Lip Gloss Plumper contains 80+ applications depending upon the amount applied.
  • The Lip Gloss Plumper contains a blue base that applies clear, yet helps your teeth look their whitest.

As it stands, there is a huge market to capture and a massive profit potential for you as a business owner. Your clients may be able to purchase whitening products at most drug stores, however, having your licensed professionals recommending these would give a huge leg up on the competition.



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